UV Rays: Are Sick of Humans EP
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Long running Rochester, NY band the UV Rays have been driving basements crazy around these parts for years, but their recorded output has always left me disappointed in the past. Be it the songs or the half-assed recordings, something had missed the mark for me. Up until now, anyway. This new 7” boasts their finest recording to date, five songs that train wreck Seventies hard rock with the rage and intensity of Eighties hardcore punk. It’s dirty, too. Plenty of driving leads over top of these loose thumpers, which only starts to tail off with the semi-inside joke, "Party Pat" (an ode to burly guitarist of the UV Rays). A wild and crazy live band who finally walk the walk (stumble?) on record.Handsome silk screened covers on various colored cardstock. Scum stats unknown. (LB)
review courtesy of Terminal Boredom
Scum Stats: 500 Units, Black Vinyl, 100 W/Blue Cover, 100 W/Brown Cover, 25 with green "blood" print instead of red